Syntax of Things

Sunday, January 04, 2004


I've come to the conclusion that watching college football with the volume down is another one of those surreal experiences that only happens every so often where sports are concerned. Sure, I've done it before, but never, I guess, with the intensity of the football game being what it is tonight (LSU v. Oklahoma for half of all the marbles). Perhaps I've had way too much coffee (not to mention a latte) today. Who knows? I once had a similar experience while watching a Wimbledon women's finals. This after eating too many slices of marijuana pizza and smoking a rather large doob on top of that. When the high kicked in, I became one with the grunts coming from the screen. The sound of Dick Enberg's voice became that of an omnipotent god detailing the course of human history. I've not been able to watch women's tennis since (except for the occasional glimpse at Anna Kournikova).

It's still early and the score is tied 7-7. If LSU pulls this one out, I'm convinced that Baton Rouge may see one of those little riots. Question is, will this be only a half-riot? Stay tuned.
posted by Jeff 1/04/2004

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