Syntax of Things

Tuesday, January 06, 2004

Collecting What's Mine

With the latest news that Pete Rose is admitting that he gambled on baseball, we all now await with bitten nails to see if he will finally get his shot at the Hall. Well, some people do. I just wait for the fifty bucks that my cousin owes me for the little wager that we had on whether or not Pete was a gamblin’ man. Ok, it was years ago. In fact, I haven’t even seen this cousin since the late 90s, haven’t spoken to him about this wager since we made it, but a bet’s a bet, right? So pay up, John. I told you that Pete was a con man. Anyone that would wear his pants that tight has to be at the least playing the ponies, and when you throw in the spiked bowl cut, you’ve got yourself the makings of William Bennett.

In other gambling-related news, could anyone be both incredibly lucky and unlucky at the same time? If you need me, I’ll be in Cleveland digging in the snow.

Update. Oh well.
posted by Jeff 1/06/2004

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