Syntax of Things

Monday, January 12, 2004

Don’t You Wish Your Weekend Was Half as Fun or Where Has All My Weekend Gone or End Game: The Weekend That Wasn’t and Never Was or Week(end)

I read this rather interesting take on titles (link from ArtsJournal) and it was a rude reminder of my weekend. No, I didn’t spend it all trying to come up with a title for my Great American Novella. Instead, I had a wonderfully enjoyable time writing staff evaluations. I’m still pretty new to the job of supervisor, so this is my first experience in the realm of reviews from this side of the desk. I had a feeling when I took the position that this would probably be one part of the job that I really didn’t like. Feeling confirmed. It’s not the evaluation part of the process that is bothersome. I couldn’t get beyond the language, the repetitiveness, the all-too-blurry line between objective and subjective. At one point, I felt like doing them all in haiku. After six hours, with only five done and nine to go, I had officially drained every last creative ounce possible out of the collective language of reviews. I only wish it were a title to a story that I had to come up with….

By the way, if you’re working on a scholarly treatise, you might want to avoid using a colon in the title. Just consider this your helpful hint for Monday.

posted by Jeff 1/12/2004

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